My Articles on Tech-enhanced Life

fall prevention home assessment checklist

Fall proofing your house: a checklist

For the older adult worried about falls, one of the most important tasks is to “fall-proof” your house. There are numerous services you can retain to help with this. But how do you know they have done the right things? And, if you are the friend or family of an older adult, how can you do a “check” to make sure the house of the person you care for is relatively well “fall-proofed”? Here is a useful checklist developed by the Executive Director of Marin Villages.

My Background:

Lisa Brinkmann is currently Executive Director of Marin Villages, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting and enriching the lives of older adults who want to live independently in their own homes as they age. Lisa has a M.Sc. in Gerontology from USC. As her LinkedIn profile puts it “Lisa is passionate about helping adults age in place with technology solutions”.

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