Below are historical articles, or radio shows or podcasts, about, or partly about Tech-enhanced Life or the Longevity Explorers. NOTE: This is not being updated.
Retirees and Smart Homes
All Home Care Matters interviews Dr. Caro
All Home Care Matters
The Longevity Explorers: How older adults are finally influencing the products designed for them
Why are Products for Older People so Ugly?
MIT Technology Review.
Where Tech Meets Aging … Meet Your Future.
Parents are Hard to Raise, by Diane Berardi.
Retirement of the Future: How to Harness Technology as you Age.
Retirement Answer Man Podcast.
How Longevity Explorers Are Tipping Technology In Favour Of Seniors.
Article about the Longevity Explorers (in Finnish).
Senior Tech Moves Beyond “I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up“.
KQED Science.
Successful Aging: Website companies that can provide valuable connections
Daily Breeze.
Useful Design, Useful Aging: Exploring the Tech Galaxy With Longevity Explorers.
California Health Report.