Services: Older Adults, Friends & Families

Postpone the day when functional decline gets in the way of living life to the full. Live independently for longer.


Recommendations and Advice to help make Decisions.

The exploration and research we have been doing for the last few years is mostly designed to help older adults and their families discover useful tools and techniques to make the challenges of growing older less challenging.


Postpone the day when functional decline gets in the way of living life to the full. Live independently for longer.


We present the results of this work on the Tech-enhanced Life website. Most of it is available for free. Please browse and explore.


Where to Start

A good place to start is in our “Recommendations” section here.


Something else you need?

We don’t at present have any paid services designed for older adults or their families. If you can think of something you wish we would offer, feel free to contact us and let us know.



Services for Developers, Innovators & Researchers

We do offer some services for people interested in creating new products for older adults. To learn more:

Visit “Services for Developers, Innovators & Researchers“.