By:  Editorial Team  |  Posted: May 24, 2017  |  Updated: April 7, 2023
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The older adults in our explorer groups have recently become interested in a relatively new product: the Amazon Echo and its artificial intelligence Alexa. Here they explore Amazon Echo for the Elderly.
Amazon Echo & Alexa: What Older Adults Think
Our community of older adult Longevity Explorers has had a number of group discussions about the general suitability of Amazon Echo for the elderly, and a number of our explorers have purchased one of these products, and shared why they like it and what they think Alexa can help them with. This is a summary of our multiple explorations of this newish voice-activated platform — carried out by older adults themselves.
Here are the thoughts of our community of “seniors” on topics like:
- do we want an Amazon Echo?
- what is Alexa anyway?
- why would we want one?
- what do we use it for? and
- wouldn’t it be great if it could also do ….
Is Amazon Echo Useful for “Seniors”?
This explorer synthesis is mainly for older adults and their families who want to learn what other older adults see in Alexa, and why they do or do not think it is a useful product. Hopefully the experiences shared below by our explorers will help other older adults decide if the product is interesting for them.
What are Amazon Echo and Alexa?
Before going on, for those readers who are not sure what we are talking about, here is a brief description of what Amazon Echo and Alexa are. Listen to the audio clip below to hear some of our Longevity Explorers talk about what the Amazon Echo does, and why they like it.
Hear some of our explorers introduce their Alexa to the rest of the explorer group in this audio recording.

for size comparison
The Amazon Echo is a cylindrical product about the shape and size of a flower vase, shown in the image on the right. It is designed for you to speak to it, and ask it questions and give commands. And inside it is an artificial intelligence (AI) called “Alexa” who responds and takes actions at your command.
This product is made by Amazon, and you can find a huge amount more about it in the popular press and on the Amazon website, and we are not going to give an extensive review here, or describe it in more detail. As well as the Echo, there are several other similar products in the family (eg the “Dot”), which vary in subtle ways, but are part of the same family.
Below, you will read how older adults use Alexa, and what she can do, and whether we think those things are or are not useful.
What do Elderly People Use their Amazon Echo For?
Attached to this page are a series of audio recordings of the actual explorer discussions about Alexa. You can see them either in the right column or below (depending on the screen size you are using to read this). We have tried to pull out the key findings of relevance to older adults here for easy consumption.
What follows are some use cases the Longevity Explorers like.
1. Listening to Music & the Radio
The use case we heard about most from those explorers who have an Alexa is listening to music and to the radio.
Many of our explorers loved the idea that you can say “Alexa, play “Sergeant Peppers“, or “Alexa, please play NPR” (a radio station in the USA), and immediately hear them without needing to fuss with radio stations, or CD’s or other music services.
One cautionary note: some of these capabilities (eg music) require a paid service to be connected to your Amazon Echo account.
2. Turning out the Lights. Adjusting the Thermostat.
Several of our explorers reported that the big reason that they had bought Alexa was so they could tell her to turn on or off the lights when they wanted her to. This illustrates a capbility that goes well beyond just listening and talking. It is possible to connect Alexa up so she can actually turn things on and off and take other actions.
Listen to this introduction from one of our explorers to how they use Alexa, and why it is useful for her and her husband to have Alexa be able to turn off the lights. The big advantage: being able to turn off the room lights while you are in bed, without having to get up. They also like being able to ask for the weather.
Explorer Jan explains how she and her husband use Alexa to control lights, and listen to the weather.
Now doing something like this requires you to have a bit of simple home automation set up. For example, to turn off the lights, you either need an intelligent light globe, or an intelligent light plug that can recognize a signal sent by Alexa. Setting these up is beyond the scope of this article but it is not terribly hard, and there are numerous “How to” articles on the Internet about how to do this.
Some other members of our explorer groups were interested in the idea that they could ask Alexa to turn the temperature in the house up or down, and she would automatically adjust the thermostat (requires the right intelligent thermostat).
Here is where dissenting notes started to creep in. While some explorers like this idea, a significant number felt it was better to just do this manually. For example, explorer Helen said “I can adjust my own thermostat just fine. And if we have all these labor saving devices we will all just sit around getting fat and lazy. And isn’t exercise meant to be one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy?”
3. What is the Weather Like Today?
Some of our Alexa users love the idea of being able to ask Alexa what the weather is like either outside, or in another city such as where a friend or family member lives. This is discussed in the audio clip above too.
4. “The News”
One of our keen Alexa-users likes getting a news digest early each morning via Alexa. Of course many non-adopters, and even some Alexa enthusiasts prefer the Newspaper!
What do our Longevity Explorers Think of Alexa?
After discussing Alexa at all five of our Longevity Explorer circles, some patterns started to emerge.
First, in most of the circles, one or more explorers already had an Alexa, and almost all the explorers who had them liked them quite a lot. Many of them were what we might call “new owners” though, and it will be interesting to see if the enthusiasm persists in a year or so.
We did get one report from explorer Richard, who said he no longer used his — and the primary reasons he cited were privacy concerns and the fact that he had to pay to get the music he wanted.
Among the explorers who did not yet have an Amazon Echo, we found fairly mixed views. Quite a few people seemed rather enthusiastic after listening to their peers talk about the product. But a significant fraction seemed distinctly unimpressed. For example, when it came to the topic of checking the weather or the news each day, one man said “I don’t need that. I can just look on my iPhone or computer”.
This was a bit of a recurring theme. Mostly, Alexa does not do something you can’t do by other techniques. It just does it using a voice interface rather than some other interface. Some people really like the simple voice interface. But people who have not tried it are not always so enthusiastic about the idea.
Our conclusion: Alexa seems to be one of those things you need to try out to really appreciate.
One big issue that came up at each circle was privacy.
While Amazon claims that they are not recording everything that goes on, our more cynical explorers did wonder if having a permanently “on” microphone in your house, connected to the Internet, was desirable. “Can it be hacked?” and “Is the NSA listening” were questions that came up fairly frequently.
It does seem hard to have certainty about these topics, and this was clearly off-putting to some of our explorers.
But for others, it was all part of the general surrender of privacy in return for useful services that seems to be common today. For those explorers, it was a tradeoff. If they were convinced the AI Alexa was sufficiently useful, then they would be willing to overlook potential privacy issues.
Is it just a “Novelty”?
The question of how long lived this Amazon Echo / Alexa platform was going to be was a recurring one. Is it like “pet rocks” some asked?
The consensus seemed to be that this was a potentially useful and certainly “different” interface, and that so long as new and more sophisticated capabilities came along, the platform seemed like it was much more than just the fad of 2017. Time will tell if the explorers’ crystal ball is correct, of course.
Valuable Extra “Alexa Skills for Seniors”?
Our discussions went beyond just talking about Amazon Echo / Alexa in its present incarnation, and we started to think about whether there might be some very interesting additional capabilities that could be added that would be especially useful for seniors. We came up with quite a few ideas.
Blue Sky Brainstorming: “Alexa Skills for Seniors”
We have had a series of blue sky discussions about all the things a platform like Alexa could be good for, if only it could add a few features that seem not too far fetched. We hope these discussions will be helpful for developers of products and services for seniors who want some good ideas for skills they could develop on top of the Amazon Echo / Alexa platform.
We have not tried to summarize these in this article, as this article is designed for an older adult readership rather than for developers.
For developers who happen on this article, we encourage you to listen to the actual discussions attached to this page and the links below (some require a premium membership). If you want to develop new skills for Alexa to benefit an older adult demographic, and would like our help or advice, please contact us.
To learn more about the ideas our community has for new Alexa skills and other smarthome or robotic innovations we would like to see, please read “Articial Intelligence and Robots: What Older Adults Want“.
If you are a developer, you may also be interested in a whole series of discussions our explorers have had in our “Smart Home, Robots, Internet of Things” theme.
Related Explorations & Insights
Learn More or Buy the Amazon Echo?
Here is the link to the Amazon Echo on Amazon’s website.*
See More Explorer Insights
*Disclosure: The research and opinions in this article are those of the author, and may or may not reflect the official views of Tech-enhanced Life.
If you use the links on this website when you buy products we write about, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate or other affiliate program participant. This does not affect the price you pay. We use the (modest) income to help fund our research.
In some cases, when we evaluate products and services, we ask the vendor to loan us the products we review (so we don’t need to buy them). Beyond the above, Tech-enhanced Life has no financial interest in any products or services discussed here, and this article is not sponsored by the vendor or any third party. See How we Fund our Work.
Introducing Alexa to Elders
The challenge currently, not just for elders, is that Alexa (and others) offers a platform, so it can be customized in any number of ways. For most this is like getting a computer 25 years ago. It was a great platform, but you didn’t know how to incorporate it into your life. No problem today!
I have not fully explored Alexa, but enjoy what I what I do use it for. I never thought of replacing a radio, but it gets stations I can’t get on my radio, and all I have to do is ask. I noticed someone didn’t like paying for music. I use it for access any Pandora channel–which presumes you have setup some Pandora.
So more important than Alexa are the services. Right now that is left to the buyer, so I think an examination of what Alexa can do should be the first step. Alexa is also licensed to other manufacturers so there will likely be some features that emerge that make it more useful. Most people focus on the Echo. I actually have the cheaper Alexa Tap which has one key difference, you must press a button to talk to Alexa, eleminating one of the unsettling features of Alexa.
One of the best benefits of
One of the best benefits of Alexa is the Skill "Ask My Buddy". You set up Alexa with the names of people to contact in case of an emergency. Say, you fell and you have no monthly alert button. All you have to do is say "Alexa, I have an emergency please call my contact list". Automatically, she will dial each number on the contact list and notify them. I also use Alexa as my verbal dictionary, she is great for my grocery list. I use her as an alarm and a timer. She tells some cute jokes; your grandkids love this one!
Alexa looks promising for older adults
I am involved in the retirement living sector in the UK. I share your view that Echo holds out potential benefits for seniors, especially those living alone but wanting to maintain an independent living life style.
I am interested in your ideas on this subject.
Using Alexa for online games
Has anyone had experience, either good or bad, using Alexa to help find online games like Bingo. I am developing a plot for 4 women living in an assisted living community and trying to raise money to help a friend who is in danger of having to move out because she can't afford the cost of the care. Of course their altruistic intent could get them into some difficulty which would be part of the plot.
Thank you,
Desired new Alexa skill
Hi, I have an elderly mom (94!) who is relatively healthy, has no dementia, but does have macular degeneration. She lives alone and I implored her to get Life Alert, but she refuses. She had friends who called LifeAlert by mistake and hates the idea of having “an army of firemen” come to her door by mistake. I would like to have a “Skill” developed where mom says, “Alexa, please call Harry” (or any other pre-programmed names linked to their respective numbers) . I could receive the call and help her. Having said that, another nice capability would be to have Alexa understand other languages, even if it’s simple commands. Building up a vocabulary would be nice if it had a wiki-type platform where native speakers could “teach” Alexa words in Spanish, French, etc.
Marvee: voice-initiated care companion and concierge application
It's already available. Check out Marvee:
Marvee is a voice-initiated care companion and concierge application integrated with the Alexa Voice service and any Alexa-enabled device, like the Amazon Echo, Dot or Tap. Marvee is an Alexa Skill listed in the Alexa App, Skills catalog.
Sent in by email:How about
Sent in by email:
How about using Alexa as an intercom system? For example, if I am disabled and needed help, perhaps I could ask my Alexa to ask the garage Alexa to tell my husband I need help.
Alexa……tell garage I need help
Alexa….. send alert to all… “I fell”
Item finder
Alexa…find tv remote
I have the Echo and 2 dots.
I have the Echo and 2 dots. One in my room and the other in my husbands. We just ask Alexa to “drop in” to Joe’s room and you can talk to each other very clearly. I love it.
HelloI am trying to find a
I am trying to find a way to use Alexa for home safety concerns: when someone who lives alone, needs to call for help after a fall. In Montreal, I’m told that 300 persons a day call 911 for help in exactly those circumstances. They fall but are unable to get back up and cannot reach phone. Often, they are not injured by the fall itself but might spend the night on the cold hard floor simply due to a lack of help available. How might Alexa be endowed with skills for calling/emailing neighbours or friends?
I heard that Android users can send voice activated texts, which is a great start (I am an Apple user).
I also heard about something called Echo Connect which seems to require a land line in order to work.
Thanks for your help.
There are several “skills”
There are several “skills” that allow you to summon help. AskMy Buddy, as mentioned in an earlier comment is one of them. In addition, you can set up Alexa to call a specific person when you ask something like “Call John”. You can see a demo of that at a companion article on this site on Alexa and the Amazon Echo Show.
In terms of voice to text, I think Apple’s Siri will also allow that.
Is there a way to get Alexa
Is there a way to get Alexa and Sirii to interact? (If say, I can’t reach phone to access Siri) Could I tell Alexa to tel Siri to send a text asking for help?
I was finding the benefits of
I was finding the benefits of Amazon echo for my father, who’s 67. Then I found this post and get a good idea. Thanks, it's very useful for my father.
I am only 72, but my folks
I am only 72, but my folks lived into their late 90s, so I have a realistic appreciation for aging challenges. It is good to keep in mind that as we age we lose degrees of freedom to others upon whom we depend. Alexa and Echo are just another example. Granted concerns about privacy are valid. However, unless you are retired Mossad or KGB, it is unlikely that NSA will use these devices to spy on you. Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that these devices are hackable, and badguys could feasibly monitor you with an eye to home invasion. However, if you live in a secure setting such as assisted living, that is really not a serious concern.
The old saying that "There's an app for that." applies to gizmos like Alexa or Echo. All they are is constantly-on microphones that use similar apps to communicate with special light switches to turn on/off power to lights and things. You can use a smartphone to achieve the same end, thereby avoiding concerns about an open microphone in the house. Lastly, HomeDepot and Lowes have cheap gizmos that plug into a wall outlet and allow a lamp or whatever is plugged into it to switch off remotely with a keyfob. Unfortunately, they are not programmable, so you can wind up with one fob switch for each plug. I use one for the bedroom light for when I get up in the middle of the night.
Just to build on this comment
Just to build on this comment: I bet you are right that there are apps that control light sockets etc, but we have not tried one. Do you have one to recommend?
And re the fob switch-controlled gizmos for turning on and of lights: several of our explorers have said they use those too. And this version comes with multiple control buttons on one fob, to thereby control multiple power outlets with one fob (link is to a listing with more details on Tech-enhanced Life): wireless remote outlet switch.
The one we use is “Prime
The one we use is "Prime Wireless Remote Control" ($20) in the lamp department at Lowes. Prime makes a fobbed 3 pack for $20 also, but you have to special order it. I see that Amazon has the one you shared and they sell half a dozen others. The rub? Each outlet has a different button which for people with failing vision and arthritis could be problematic. I see that Amazon sells the "Wi-Fi Smart Power Plug-Wireless Remote Socket" using the smartphone Jinvoo app. Buyers complain that you need a powerful router for it to work reliably, and that could add several hundred dollars to actually used the $34 apiece units. Finally, all home stores sell some version of a light switch that can communicate with a smartphone. Only problem is having to switch out a wall switch with the wi-fi enabled switch.
It would help if a alexa
It would help if a alexa could keep track of where I put alexa save my blue hat in front closet.where is my blue hat.
Answer.front closet
i got my mother an echo show
i got my mother an echo show 5 my mother doesn’t own a smart phone how can i set the echo show for her she lives alone would like for her to do video call
Hi Lucy,
Hi Lucy,
Here is some good information by Dottie on how to setup your Mom's Echo Show
Hi Lucy,
Hi Lucy,
Here is a step by step article on how to do it. You can set it up at your own home first, test it and then bring it there.
I’ve set up an Alexa device
I've set up an Alexa device for my stepmother (who is over 80). She's using it to listen to music, to my own web radio ("Alexa, play CMF London") and also to drop in on the Echo we have at home, connected to the same Alexa account (simply using the Drop In command "Alexa, drop in on [echo device name]"). I've also set up a MyPod skill ( for her to listen to MP3 files we can upload to a Dropbox folder. That's truly an amazing device to improve communication and develop entertainment opportunities. We love it. If I can help any of you figure out ways to use Alexa, just drop me a message, I'll be happy to provide assistance.
how do I set up Echo for
how do I set up Echo for intercom. I have it set up now . My mom has one in her room downstairs called Echo. I have one in the kitchen named it Amazon. I also have one in my office named Alexa. I know I can tell her to say Echo drop in on all devices , but she is 91 and cant remember all that.
I would like for her to be able to say Echo, call Sandra (me) and that would enable her to be able to talk to me in whatever room I am in. Then I want it to be able to reach me on my cell phone at the same time. That way I will know she is trying to reach me without having to remember much.
Hello Sandra,
Hello Sandra,
Using Alexa’s Drop-in feature, your Mom could say, “Alexa, drop in everywhere,” but I know that is not what you want.
To make it easier for her: You could add an Alexa Routine. I’m planning on writing an article on remotely creating and maintaining Alexa Routines for loved ones, so stay tuned. 🙂
BTW, if your Mom has trouble remembering the command, you could consider adding an Echo Button (eBay only) to trigger the Alexa Routine.
Hello Sandra,
Hello Sandra,
Here is the article on Alexa Routines. Let me know if you have any questions
A common problem with aging
A common problem with aging memories is keeping track of what day of the week it is. I am surprised that Echo Calendars don’t have the opinion of the “dementia clock style” that list the day name first in big letters. So disappointing. May I suggest you research dementia clocks and add that format to your other opinions?
Echo Show displays the clock.
Echo Show displays the clock.
Hello Laura,
Hello Laura,
Another reader, Carol T., found an interesteing display Skill for an Echo Show
I just started testing it and it works really well.
My biggest problem is
My biggest problem is misplacing my landline phone. If Alexa can help me, please let me know the steps.
Hello Nell,
Hello Nell,
Yes, that is possible because Alxa can call any phone number, including landlines, so Alexa can make your landline phone ring
Just say "Alexa, make a call"
She will answer back with- "Which phone number, contact or device do you want to call?
The the tricky part is that you need to say the whole phone number without any long pauses or Allexa will interpret it as a short number, e.g. just the area code
There is a way to make it easier by adding your landline phone as a Contact:
If you have a mobile phone, open the Alexa app
* Tap Communicate in the bottom row
* Tap the "person" outline in the upper right
* Tap Add Contact
* Enter a name for your landline phone. I used My Landline
It doesn't matter what "type" of phone number you pick, but to make Alexa's response more friendly, I chose "Add Phone Number" and picked "Home" instead of Mobile
* Tap Done
* Tap Save
Now you can say this short version
"Alexa, call my landline"
The first time you do this, Alexa will ask "Do you mean My Landline's phone or Alexa devices?"
You say "phone"
The next time you say "Alexa, call my landline", she will ask if you want to make the same choice between phone and Alexa Devices
Good article but it didn’t
Good article but it didn’t cover the reasons I find Alexa so helpful so I will expand on those ideas here.
I’m 69 years old and my husband is 76. In the last year and a half, I have had two total hip replacements, COVID, and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I highly recommend being adept at Alexa BEFORE you undergo anything so life altering. And since we never know when something will happen, best to get it set up now while you still have the capacity to do it.
The primary reason I got the Echo Show was because of brain fog. I couldn’t keep track of anything and was always losing things; it came down to learning the tech or losing my mind. Here are some of the ways I use my Show.
1) Routines.
Sleep seems to be an issue as we age and it is a particular problem accompanying fibromyalgia. Dimming lights, playing sleep frequencies, and turning on the humidifier helps me drop off to dreamland and maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Alexa reminds me to stretch. In the morning I use an app for my phone called “Gentle Wakeup” which increases the volume of twittering birds and brightness of light over a 20 minute period. Echo Show kicks in after that with morning wake up frequencies, turning on a dim lamp, lighting up the homepage with day and date. That is also prayer time for me. Alexa reminds me to stretch and tells me what is on my calendar for the day. A brighter lamp is turned on, the humidifier is off, I make the bed and stretch. Then I listen to coffee shop jazz while I get dressed and make breakfast.
2) Playlists. In Amazon music I have set up playlists for my different levels of activity, from energizing to winding down at night. Saying “Alexa, play Office Playlist” is much faster than scrolling through and picking music to suit your mood.
3) Devices. I downloaded the Gosund app to my phone and ordered surge protectors bars and single outlets that I can control with Echo Show. So far I have set up my bedroom and my parlor. (You can name the location of your devices and group them, as well as setting them up in their own routine.) I have Alexa on my Kindle and of course, my phone, besides Echo Show and a couple of Echo Flexes which I will probably use in the kitchen and library..
4) Calendar.
I have also connected my Google Calendar to Alexa, and then shared my Calendar with my husband. This means that I have backup checks out the wazoo so it will be much harder for me to miss an event! Eventually I will figure out how to share with my kids, on a limited basis, as a less obtrusive way they can check up on us. “Alexa, what’s on my calendar today?”
5) Lists.
I am always thinking of things I need to do when I am busy doing something else. Unless I stop what I am doing and write it down, I will forget. I even get distracted when I have to go find my pen and paper! Now I can just say, “Alexa, put celery on my grocery list,” or “Alexa, put insurance cards on my Jim meeting list.” Just speak up! Later I can say, “Alexa, show me my shopping list,” and whether I am in my basement office or the grocery store, there it is, right in front of me.
I use Alexa for reminders that pop into my mind, or habits I want to establish. Like “stretching” or “Alexa, remind me to schedule my Reiki appointment,” I can just speak it outloud and Echo Show makes a list for me. “Alexa, what are my reminders for today?”
7) Communication.
There are many ways to “phone-o-vision” these days but they all seem too complicated to me! How about if I just say, “Alexa, call Tommy,” and then I can talk to my grandson and see him. I have not done this yet but I am looking forward to it.
There are two other huge helpers I have incorporated in the last week.
First, I got the TILE starter set and put finders in my tote bag, in my wallet (which is more or less a fanny pack/small purse), and on my keys. In the morning when I get dressed, I put on my fanny pack. This holds my keys, debit card, cash, license, insurance cards, lip gloss, my “brain fog” e.o. inhaler, a disposable mask, my phone, a pen, and my eyeglass case. I don’t take off that fanny pack until I put on my jammies at night. Before I started doing this I left a trail of things behind me and had no idea where I left them. My tote has all the other paraphenalia that I need to haul around with me.
Second, I am wearing my FitBit. It is tremendously helpful in building up activity level after an operation or illness. As we get older, being comfortable in an electric recliner can become your hardest goal. But we know what it takes to be healthy. We need to get out of that chair and MOVE. A FitBit can help with that. I am also looking into something like the Apple or Galaxy watch, which could be invaluable as I age because of the additional monitors, like heart, blood pressure, locator, and falls.
In summary, I have found that Alexa and my Echo Show allow me better organization and as a result, less anxiety. This in turn helps me to accomplish more and gives me more free time to do the things I want to do, not just the things I need to do.
I hope this is helpful.
Hello Abigail,
Hello Abigail,
Thank you for the excellent post describing all you have done with Alexa and how it has improved your life. I wanted to let you know we have several other articles on using Alexa, Echo Show, and Fire TV that may be of interest. I think you might find the one on making Alexa proactive interesting. That is an impressive collection of Routines you have already created!
If you have your grandson in your Alexa Contacts with a nickname of “Tommy”, you can call him by saying “Alexa, call Tommy”. If he installs the Alexa app on his smartphone, you can have video calls with him.
Several ways to interact with your TV.
A collection of other ideas
A way for your family to be notified if you don’t get up on your normal schedule.
A collection of articles.
An Alexa Skill to help manage sleep time.
You mentioned using Tile tags. Have you tired using Alexa to locate those Tile tags? Did you know Alexa can even find your phone?
I’m working on some articles about easily sharing calendars and family photos on the Echo Show.
Thanks again for your great post. I’m sure many readers will find it useful.
Ii’d like to add some
Ii'd like to add some feedback on the Echo Show. I had set up an Echo Show 8 in my father's assisted living suite and had been using it with good success to video chat with him via the Drop In feature, since I live in another country.
I wonder if others have thoughts on how to handle similar issues.
1) Non-ideal design – the power and volume buttons are on the top of the Echo Show and the camera/mic on/off controls are on the touchscreen. My Dad will grab the Echo Show to turn the screen towards him and often turns off the camera or mic, or turns the unit off. I had put electrical tape on the top of the unit but it hasn't helped.
2) After several months of use, the microphone in Dad's Echo Show stopped functioning well. I could only hear him when he was within inches of the unit. It's not a volume issue, as I've had visitors test this with me on a Drop In call. This has rendered the Echo useless now for easy video calls with him. And there is no one there to handle packaging up and returning the unit to Amazon as faulty.
Thanks! Carol
Hello Carol,
Hello Carol,
In response to your request to disable the touchscreen and buttons on your dad's Echo Show, we have just published this article with a DIY solution you may find useful
Hello Carol,
Hello Carol,
Problem #1 is an issue I have also seen raised on the Amazon User Forum, but there are currently no settings available to disable the buttons or touchscreen. Some readers have tried creating plexiglass shields to cover the buttons and screen, but none are available commercially.
Maybe you could use something stiffer to cover the buttons such as a plastic ruler taped down.
As for problem #2, the microphone, there is no adjustment and I'm afraid the Echo Show will need to be replaced
I use Alexa a lot. Here’s a
I use Alexa a lot. Here’s a list: get better radio stations than are available locally, without ..needing to buy an Internet radio or turn on a computer. an alarm clock. turn on several different lights, using smart plugs or smart bulbs. check the weather, my upcoming schedule, or the time in the middle of the night. go to sleep with music and i have programmed it to switch to white noise in 10 minutes.
Alexa has gotten better at responding to requests for general information. My only problem is that multi room music is flaky; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I can get a lot of music I want based on my Prime membership alone – I resist paying more for their premium music.
There are other uses I haven’t tried, like linking it to my remote door lock. I do not use it to make phone calls, though I know how, because I don’t want to use my cell phone for any purpose that might invite spam calls. It is possible to see and delete anything Alexa has “heard,” but I rarely bother.
Hello Judith,
Hello Judith,
My 95-year-old aunt also loves listening to radio stations on her Echo. She finds it so much easier to use than a radio,
When you mentioned checking the time during the night, have you tried the Alexa Skill which lets you know how much time you have left to sleep?