Circle Archive

This page includes Longevity Explorer circles that are no longer active, but which have contributed rich explorations to the community in the past and which we thus want to continue to recognize.

Longevity Explorer circles consist of small groups (5-20) of older adults, who meet face to face monthly to help improve the quality of life of all of us as we age. In focused, facilitated discussions, our explorer circles:

  • explore unmet needs related to growing older;
  • try out, critique and compare various interesting products; and
  • engage in brainstorming and ideation about possible ideas for new and better products to help improve quality of life as we age

View examples of the Longevity Explorer Explorations.

The Explorer Circles

Robots, Smart Home, AI

Hearing explorers


Longevity Explorers | Virtual1


Passavant Community Longevity Explorers

Passavant Community


Providence Longevity Explorers


Longevity Explorers Avenidas

Palo Alto

Longevity Explorers of Pleasanton


SF Village

SF Village


Comm Club Grownups

Saratoga Retirement Community

Saratoga Retirement Community

Senior-focused Design

Senior-focused Design

calvary presbyterian

Calvary Presbyterian


Sequoias PV

Eskaton Village Carmichael

Eskaton Village Carmichael

Sequoias SF

Sequoias SF

Aging in Place Technology: Can technology slow functional decline as we age?

Aging in Place Technology