Richard Caro will be talking about some of the results from Tech-enhanced Life’s Longevity Explorer initiative at the Aging 2.0 Conference next Friday Oct. 14th 2016.
Richard Caro will be talking about some of the results from our Longevity Explorer initiative at the Aging 2.0 Conference next Friday Oct. 14th 2016.
Dr. Caro will be on a panel entitled “Intergenerational Innovation / Tackling the Digital Divide“. He gets 12 minutes to give an overview of the Longevity Explorer initiative, and the other panelists get similar time to talk about their projects which are all really interesting (we think). Then the co-panellists will talk and answer questions.
If you are interested in the Longevity Explorers, we are thinking about expanding our circles to new locations, and are starting to engage more deeply with companies who think the wisdom and insights of our older adult Longevity Explorers would be valuable. If you want to talk about either of these topics, or just want to exchange ideas about novel products or problems relating to aging and technology, please introduce yourself to Dr. Caro.
Dr. Caro plans to be at the conference all three days, so he should be easy to track down.
Contact us if you need help finding him.