Lost the TV Remote?

By:  Frank Engelman   |  Posted: September 18, 2020   |  Updated: September 6, 2023

Problem Description


Who is not familar with this experience? It’s time to watch TV.

Where did you put the remote control for the TV?

Oh, oh! It’s “lost”.


Can’t Find My TV Remote

People spend a lot of time trying to find their TV Remote.

If your loved one has a mobility issue or declining cognitive abilities, it would be great to provide them an easy way to find the TV remote, after it becomes “lost”.

As you will see in the Solutions below, I have found several ways to assist them.

  1. If they can locate their smartphone, they could click an on-screen icon to find the TV Remote.
  2. They could say, “Hey Google, ask Tile to find remote” or “Alexa, ask Tile to find remote” if they are able to remember that command and properly say it to a voice assistant command.
  3. The ideal way would be to attach a button to the TV itself so that they can just push that button and have the TV remote indicate its presence by making a loud noise.


See the “Solution” below for detailed “How To” Instructions on how to implement each of these solutions.


View Solutions from the Longevity Explorers