Apple Watch as Medical Alert

Apple Watch as Medical Alert

The Apple Watch is one of several products we compared in a piece of research called “Smartwatch as Medical Alert”. This review is about using the Apple Watch with only its native emergency alert software (called Emergency SOS).

FallCall Lite + Apple Watch

FallCall Lite Medical Alert

The FallCall Lite App (+ Apple Watch) is one of several products we compared in a piece of research called “Smartwatch as Medical Alert”. To use this product you start with an Apple watch, and then download an App called FallCall Lite. The App adds the medical alert functionality. Because all the functionality of the Apple watch is still there too, you get the full capability of a smartwatch, plus medical alert capability.

Dosecast Medication App


The first thing it does is ask to access your contacts; we found that a little off-putting. Offers a drug database, but for $3/month which includes all “pro” version features. Some drug searches gave confusing results, even one that was misspelled. The documentation says it has a limit for the number of reminders on the … Read more

CareZone Medication App

CareZone Medication App

The CareZone Medication App was one of our two top picks for the Useful Apps Club when we reviewed and evaluated the category of medication management Apps.

Medisafe Medication Reminder

The Medisafe Medication App was one of our two top picks for the Useful Apps Club in July 2016. Read our comparative analysis of medication apps for more details about our evaluations. In addition, when you are ready to install and learn to use this App, you can follow this lesson of the Useful Apps Club, … Read more

Lively, Jitterbug Flip2

Jitterbug Flip2

This is an interestingly different approach to a medical alert. This product is a “senior friendly” cell phone, but it has a button which lets you call the medical alert monitoring service (called 5 star) which is provided by the manufacturer (Lively — previously called GreatCall).