Flic Bluetooth Button to Find Phone
An easy way to do this is to use a Flic Bluetooth button.
Mount the button in a place your loved one can’t lose it. How about the fridge?
Solution or potential solution to a "problem"
An easy way to do this is to use a Flic Bluetooth button.
Mount the button in a place your loved one can’t lose it. How about the fridge?
If your fingers have limited dexterity, making those connections can still be a problem. One solution is to use the magnetic style connectors for phones and tablets that can replace Apple Lightning, USB-C, or USB-micro type with a simple magnetic connection.
But I wanted to find a way to use wireless charging to charge tablets, and here is a solution I found.
I created a solution that uses red and green lights to let you know if the toilet seat is up or down.
Use a remote Alexa device to control your parent’s Fire TV Cube.
Set up a commercial-free (paid) YouTube account and create some playlists. Some of these videos are 8-12 hours long!
Enabling Alexa Calling on his Fire TV cube will pause his TV show.
Here are two solutions (plus detailed “how to” instructions).
Amazon has implemented an inexpensive couch-side audio system using a Fire TV Cube and Echo Dot speakers near where you are sitting. This is much better than trying to hear the TV from across the room. To set this up, you need to have your Fire TV Cube and Echo Dot speakers already configured … Read more
There is a little-known solution to this problem called Descriptive Audio. Descriptive Audio provides professional narration of the scene. It is available on Amazon Prime Video and Netflix.