Mobile Medical Alert Evaluation: Archives

Mobile Medical Alert Evaluation Archive

  Since 2015 we have been doing comparative evaluations of a wide variety of medical alert systems, including those for “out and about” use, which we call “mobile medical alert systems”. On this page we include some of our original, in-depth testing results, because even though some of the products have been replaced with newer … Read more

Mobile Alert Systems: Comparison Testing

mobile alert systems, reviews and comparison tests

  We did hands-on, comparative evaluations of mobile alerts: a specific sub-category of medical alert systems — with the goal of helping people choose the best products in this category.   Overview, Background, and Context At Tech-enhanced Life, our community of technologists, Longevity Explorers, and children of aging parents have been conducting hands-on, comparative evaluation of a … Read more

Apps for Older Adults: About our Research

Apps for Older Adults

We believe that Apps on a smartphone can be a very valuable, life-enhancing resource for older adults, but that it is hard to discover which Apps are and are not useful for this demographic.

We are setting out to make the benefits of smartphones and tablets easily available for older adults and Boomers through a combination of analysis, teaching, and sharing the experiences of their peers.

The Tech-enhanced Life analyst team, with inputs from our Longevity Explorer Circles, are working though all the things older adults can do with a smartphone and picking out the best. We are testing the apps and finding which ones work and which ones do not, from the perspective of an older adult. Our goal is to turn this work into an ever growing library of learning material designed to help unlock the potential of smartphones and tablets for older adults and Boomers.

Webinar: Emergency Response Systems for Older Adults


This webinar is designed to share our learnings thus far about emergency response systems; to introduce people to our PERS selection tool, which is currently in “alpha trials”; and to give you an opportunity to ask questions or suggest additional things we should explore in the remainder of our work.

The Best Fall Prevention Program

best fall prevention program

Concerned about Falls? This article is designed to help you decide which (if any) is the best Fall Prevention Program for you. And to help you choose between the Fall Prevention programs available in your town, state and country.

Fall Prevention Exercises for Seniors

Fall prevention exercises for seniors

We look at different options for the fall prevention exercises component of a fall prevention program, and how to decide which exercises for seniors program would work best to reduce your fall risk, in this second part of our work on choosing the right fall prevention program.

Best Lighted Cane

Cane with light: Older adult explorers testing lighted canes

  Our circles of older adults have had a number of discussions in which a walking cane with a light surfaced as a good idea. Our Explorers thought a highly visible cane, with a light to help avoid hazards, could help make getting out at night safer. Together, we found some interesting looking lighted canes online, purchased a … Read more

Hands-on Workshop: Home Sensor Systems


We are running a workshop on Home Sensor Systems on Wed July 15th. It is designed to go a step beyond the recent book on this topic, and provide actionable, personalized, hands-on support to people wanting to decide whether they want one of these systems, and if so which one would be right for them.