Bluetooth Separation Alert as Perimeter Alarm

I have been using Bluetooth tracker tags to find TV remotes and other missing items. I was hoping to use the tag’s separation alert feature to help my brother track his wife, who has Alzheimer’s, when she wanders out of their yard. I found a solution, after some effort.

Dealing with a Wandering Loved One with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's Wandering

Before my wife passed away from Alzheimer’s, she went through a period of wandering outside the home that I could control with a few simple devices. I want to share what I did, and the solutions I used, in the hope they will be useful for others in the same situation I was in.

What Time Is It? Dementia Confusion

What Time Is It? Dementia Confusion

My Dad is now in a nursing home, and he can't tell the difference between 4 AM and 4 PM when looking at a clock. When he asks his Voice Assistant, and it says, "It's 4 AM", he thinks it said "4 PM," and he better get dressed for dinner!

Time of Day for Dementia Patient – Alexa Skill

I have created an Alexa skill called “My Clock” that is designed to help people with dementia who suffer from time “confusion”. And also to help caregivers who get exhausted from answering repeated questions about “what time is it”?

Lost the TV Remote?

lost tv remote

Who is not familar with this experience?

It’s time to watch TV. Where did you put the remote control for the TV?

Vision Gadgets: Share What You Use

Do you use any vision gadgets — like magnifiers, special lighting, or apps that help see things in various situations? The Longevity Explorers are exploring vision gadgets. We are interested in the inputs of the broader Tech-enhanced Life community too. Share what you use. Join the discussion.   Add Your Vision Gadget Opinions Are you … Read more

Personal Display Devices – Why do we even NEED Reading Glasses?

So, it occurs to me to wonder… With so many people experiencing presbyopia as we age, why can't our personal reading devices (smart phones, tablets, computer monitors, kindles) adjust for that? Just imagine the time saved and frustation averted seeking those misplaced reading glasses, especially for those of us who now enjoy perfect distance vision … Read more

TV Noise Drowns Out Phone Ringing

TV Noise Drowns Out Phone Ringing

In my Dad’s nursing home everybody has their TV blasting, including My Dad. Sometimes he can’t even hear me calling on a video chat request on his Alexa Show.

Aging Parent Answers Doorbell Without Looking

Aging Parent Answers Doorbell Without Looking

My Mom jumps up to answer the doorbell every time it rings. I worry about two things. I worry she opens the door to strangers without knowing who they are. I worry she does not always hear the doorbell and might miss out on someone she actually wants to talk to.