Vision Problems: TV Action When Not Talking
Since my Mom’s vision is failing, she has a hard time understanding what is happening in a TV show when the actors are not speaking, In some shows there are long dramatic pauses or just action noises.
Staying safe, financially secure, and healthy, relating to better quality life as grow older.
Since my Mom’s vision is failing, she has a hard time understanding what is happening in a TV show when the actors are not speaking, In some shows there are long dramatic pauses or just action noises.
There is a little-known solution to this problem called Descriptive Audio. Descriptive Audio provides professional narration of the scene. It is available on Amazon Prime Video and Netflix.
My father-in-law lives with family who both work, leaving him alone at home for several hours per day. He is 93, legally blind and practically deaf. We knew we needed some tech to help remote family members comfortable. Getting a smart door lock was a no brainer. Caregiver family can remotely open it for visitors, … Read more
If you like to stay on top of the facts and details about the state of our battle against COVID, and like an emphasis on logic and science, here is a fantastic resource. Dr. Jordan Shlain, a San Francisco-based physician, has been writing a series of "Dispatches" about COVID and what is happening on the front lines. You … Read more
Caption: Variety of pill dispensers and smart pill boxes under evaluation. | Back row L-R: Pria, Hero, MedaCube, Philips, Tabsafe, Livi. Front row L-R: GMS, MedMinder, MedReady, CompuMed. When a person starts having trouble adhering to the medication routine prescribed by their doctor — or when they or their caregiver or spouse start finding … Read more
Caption: Left: MedaCube; Right: Hero; Top middle: MedMinder; Bottom middle: GMS. It is too simplistic to talk of the “best automatic pill dispenser“. But it is definitely appropriate to talk about the “best medication dispenser for a specific individual or life situation“. Different Life Situations Need Different Pill Dispensers This is Part 2 of … Read more
We have an ongoing initiative researching the tools that are available to help manage medication, and avoid the complications that accompany poor adherence.
Our most recent research is a hands-on evaluation of a variety of complex medication management systems. In the past we have also researched less complex ways to manage medications, including pill boxes and medication reminders.
There are many, many pill boxes and pill organizer solutions to choose from in your local drugstore or on Amazon. Unsurprisingly, not all of them are equally good. The Longevity Explorers have strong views about what to look for in a pill box. Here are their recommendations, and a list of the “things to watch for”. … Read more
Advance Healthcare Directives are a critical part of planning for end of life. In this article we dig into exactly what they are, how you use them, how you get help understanding them, as well as what we have learned about online resources and Apps for completing an Advance Directive Form. This is the second part … Read more
POLST forms (also called MOLST, MOST, POST or TPOPP in various different states) are “Physician Orders” that help determine how clincians treat a person in various end-of-life type situations. Specifically, POLST stands for “Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment”. In this article we dig into exactly what these Physician Orders are, how you use them, and how … Read more